Who are we?

ceylon dietitian
Ceylon Dietitian was founded in 2020 with the aim of providing expert/professional nutrition advice with a local and sustainable approach.
Sri Lankans have access to a variety of foods with many health benefits, some of which are seldom known. We at Ceylon Dietitian can help you make the most informed food choices while considering any/multiple medical conditions you may have.
Ms. Lasika Jayamaha
Ms. Lasika Jayamaha
RDN (SL), RNutr (UK)
Lasika is an SLMC (Sri Lanka Medical Council) Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist as well as an AfN (Association for Nutrition, UK) Registered Nutritionist (Public Health). Lasika Holds a BSc. Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Surrey, UK and a MSc in Food and Nutrition from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. She has also completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Global Health Policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Lasika has worked in varied nutrition related fields from nutritional based companies on product research and development, weight-loss clinics in public sector and private sector. She has also conducted several awareness sessions in the form of articles, seminars and webinars on the importance of nutrition in general wellbeing, pregnancy, women’s health, cardiac care and diabetes.
Lasika has collaborated with organizations including Meatless Monday, Working Women’s Roundtable as well as with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association (SLGGA) through her involvement in the Girl Powered Nutrition Programme.
She is currently a Senior Resident Dietitian and Nutritionist at Durdans Hospital, Colombo.
- Dietitians Association of Sri Lanka (DiASL)
- Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka
- Association for Nutrition UK
- Nutrition Society UK
- Annual Scientific Session of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka 2021 Abstract Publication and Best Flash Talk Presentation (3rd Place)