A life free from diseases, keeping fit and maintaining body shape are some of the concerns that we all struggle with to achieve a quality life. Healthy eating and being physically active are important keys to help you get there! So here are a few tips to help you through.
Let’s start with the basics. The Food Guide Pyramid is the simplest tool that helps you to plan your meals properly.

So, based on the Food Guide Pyramid, let us take a look at smart choices within the major food groups.
Carbohydrates or the starchy foods are generally the major portion of our meals. However opting for whole cereals, grains and their products (eg: Less polished rice/parboiled varieties, whole wheat flour, kurakkan flour, atta flour, oats, brown bread) is preferred over refined or well- polished carbs. Make sure you select the correct quantity of starch depending on your individualized calorie requirement.
Sri Lanka is blessed with a great variety of vegetables and fruits. Including at least 3-4 vegetables and 2-3 fruits in different colours will provide vitamins, minerals and fibre which will help to reduce the risk of/with management of Non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) such as diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease and cancers.
Consuming at least 2-3 servings of fish/lean meat/eggs per day will ensure sufficient protein intake. Additionally, pulses such as lentil, chickpea, gram varieties, beans are an inexpensive yet nutritious source of protein, especially for vegetarians and vegans.
Milk and dairy products are good sources of protein and rich in calcium, try to include 2-3 servings of low-fat/non-fat versions as part of your healthy diet.
Include a healthy combination of fats giving both unsaturated (nuts, olive oil, sesame oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, avocado, oily fish) and saturated (coconut, butter) fats.
Reduce the frequent consumption of foods that are high in sugars, fat and salt as that are generally linked with the increased risk of non- communicable diseases.
Keeping yourself adequately hydrated (consume at least 2- 2.5 litres of fluid/day), being physically active (150 minutes of moderate intensity exercises per week), and maintaining a less-stressful lifestyle will supplement your healthy diet to live a quality life.
This is just a simple generalized guide to lead a healthy life for you and your family. For a personalized approach to “Healthy Living” get in touch with us